Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Companies want to standard EV Plug

The standardization of the collection plug for electric vehicles could charge daily company on a number of recommendations on the same until 2017 for car to use devices in all countries.

The joint industry proposal of trade association ACEA, automakers would allow making use of a type of connector operated independently by car, electricity provider or country.

ACEA - which the most important European car part manufacturer - is keen that the European Commission's recommendations and are accepted by the standardisation bodies and infrastructure providers across the continent. Standardisation is considered to be one of the conditions, electric vehicles, to help gain a sustainable market share. There is currently a wide range of solutions from various manufacturers, what used to a fragmentation of the market.

The industry's recommendations cover the entire link between public charging infrastructure and the vehicle inlet and treat both slow and fast-load with direct or current alternative. Vehicle manufacturers have agreed to start integrating the unified technology in their production cars once it has been approved by the competent standardisation bodies. ACEA members would like to move to the full implementation of new vehicles by 2017.

"This is an important step towards the further introduction of heavy-duty electric vehicles in Europe and paves the way for a harmonised solution around the world," said Ivan Hodac, Secretary General of ACEA. "Standardisation provides predictability investors;" It allows economies of scale and reduces costs. "We have a solution, the the highest safety standards and is easy to use guaranteed."

ACEA forecasts that % of new car sales could account for electric chargeable vehicles between 3-10 by 2025.

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